Let’s work together.

Do you need ongoing monthly admin or operations support?

Or maybe help setting up a project management system or CRM? 

You’re in the right place. Let’s take your business from chaos to calm.

Monthly Administrative Support

Hire me as your Virtual Assistant so we can work together on a consistent basis. Are you overwhelmed and disorganized AF? Let me take those big annoying administrative tasks off your plate so you can clear your mind to focus on the bigger revenue-driving actions in your business and feel at ease.

I love that journey for you.

  • Here are a few of the tasks you can hand over to me:

    • Calendar management

    • Email inbox management

    • Handle customer support emails/tickets

    • Schedule client meetings & appointments

    • Prepare and send invoices

    • Generate basic KPI reports

    • Create forms/surveys

    • General online research

    • Organize files in Dropbox / Google Drive, etc.

    • Basic website edits/page creation

    Prepare slide decks

    All packages also include:

    • Sounding board, encouragement & accountability

    • Weekly 30 min check-in video calls

    Monthly retainer deliverables are customizable to fit your needs.  Packages start at $880 per month with a three-month commitment. text goes here

Monthly Operations Support

This is a step up from monthly admin assistant support. Your business is a bit more complex and you need a right-hand gal to help you run shit. You have all kinds of backend stuff that needs managing and you need help prioritizing and balancing it all.

Who has time amidst all the chaos?

  • A few things you get when you hire me for Ops support:

    • Administrative task support (can include deliverables from the Monthly Admin package)

    • CRM setup & maintenance

    • ClickUp setup & maintenance

    • Creating & maintaining standing operating procedures (SOPs)

    • Implement workflows and automations

    • Task & project management within ClickUp

    • Email Marketing support: proofread, edit, format, schedule & send newsletters; maintain subscriber data and tags in email management system

    • Launch management

    • Delegation of tasks to other team members

    All packages also include:

    • Sounding board, encouragement & accountability

    • Weekly 60 min check-in/strategy video calls

    Monthly retainer deliverables are customizable to fit your needs. Packages start at $1200 per month with a four-month n text goes here

Speedy System Setup

Hire me to set up a simple but effective system in just one week. This is a great option for folks who don’t necessarily need ongoing monthly support but do need a good system or platform in place so technology can be your assistant, allowing you to focus on your art and/or clients.

Is that a spreadsheet?

  • Choose one of the following for us to work on:

    ➼ Gmail Goodness: Do your inbox and calendar stress you out? Let’s calm it down with folders and automations for less chaotic days going forward.

    ➼ ClickUp Setup: Project management systems can be daunting. Let’s get your ClickUp organized in a way that makes sense for your business, with recurring tasks and automated workflows.

    ➼ Digital Filing System: Ready to finally organize that jumble of files in Google Drive or Dropbox so you can always find what you’re looking for? Let’s go.

    ➼ CRM Setup: Let’s get your client relationship manager working for you. Honeybook is my favorite platform, but I’m also into  Practice Better and Paperbell, depending on your type of work.

    ➼ Launch Plan: Got a new product to put out in the world, but feel overwhelmed by the whole launch process? Let me (a Certified Launch Manager) be your project manager and we’ll lay out the entire 8-week process from pre- to post-launch so you don’t miss a single task.

    Speedy System Setup is a flat rate of $880.

Ready to start? Here’s what happens next…

Love from clients…

  • “The fact that I can truly step away and know that nothing imperative will be missed is something I wasn’t experiencing for the years that I was running GGS on my own. I wanted someone to assist me with the business end of GGS so that I could focus on why I started this whole thing in the first place. Having Andra has freed up so much space in my mind, which can be given to my clients and the greater GGS community.”

    Robyn Warren, M.s. Ed., Founder of Geek Girl Strong

  • “Andra’s assistance has made me more productive, more organized, more profitable, less stressed, and less lonely. I have never regretted hiring her, and I can’t imagine you would. Her support has made me feel like I can conquer the god damn moon, and I wouldn’t be surprised if one day we do.”

    Jazzlyn Stone, Freelance Comics Marketer

  • "You would be lucky to have someone who is so skilled at wrangling a difficult schedule and feel your life change with the amount of bandwidth her efforts allow you... Andra is also someone that you look forward to working with whenever a meeting is set. By the end of it, you know your life will be better."

    Mellow Brown, Graphic Novel Author & Film/TV Writer

Got Questions? I might have answers…

  • The people I work best with are usually service providers of some kind. Their business is mostly online. They’ve been in business for at least a couple of years and have things running pretty well but they can no longer handle everything on their own. They are ready to let someone behind the scenes and delegate tasks. And of course, they care about doing good in the world.

  • This really differs from person to person, but you should have a pretty steady/predictable income. Operational expenses will change as your business grows, but it’s generally recommended to spend up to 20% of your revenue on team members, whether that’s employees or contractors (like me). Other than the financial aspect, you should be at or near the point where you’re starting to feel overwhelmed and not sure you can sustain giving your clients your best while also juggling all the administrative and/or operations tasks.

  • *I’m not a regular assistant, I’m a cool assistant* But seriously, there are a few reasons I charge more than some assistants out there. For one, I want to give as much energy as possible to each of my clients, which means I need to have fewer clients. It allows me to keep focus and give each client my best effort.

    You’re also paying for my years of experience, my partnership with you, and my time and energy. If I could charge less I would, but it’s unfortunately not sustainable.

  • I got it for my birthday, thanks for asking.

    Oh, did you mean the business name? Well, Pixie Pickaxe was a name I thought of years ago because I like alliteration, I have a pixie haircut, and pickaxe is kind of a family name. I started using it as my social media handle and it just kind of stuck.

  • Yay! Please fill out my inquiry form, linked below. I’ll review it and if I think I’d be able to help you then we’ll have a discovery call. If that goes well, I’ll send over your customized proposal. You’ll fill out some paperwork and pay a deposit, then we’ll get started with a kickoff call to get account access and other logistics figured out.

If you have a different question regarding my services, please reach out!